trešdiena, 2017. gada 27. septembris

Tuvojas pieteikšanās EAS konferencei Latvijā!

Plan your Trip to the next EAS Conference in Latvia!
©, Kaspars Daleckis
Next year's EAS Conference will take place in the beautiful city of Jelgava (near Riga) in Latvia from March 14 to 17, 2018. The conference theme is Competences in Music Education.
Find out more about Latvia's musical tradition with this short video clip about Latvian Nationwide Song and Dance Celebration.
To get an impression, how beautiful Latvia is in spring, here can you find a photo gallery with impressive pictures by The Latvian Institute.

Call for Papers open until November 1, 2017
The Call for Papers for EAS2018 is open since July 2017 and we want to invite you to be part of next year's conference in Jelgava/Latvia.

Please submit the completed proposal form to eas2018(at) by November 1, 2017. Download the Submission Form here.
Submissions are invited for:
1. Research papers (20 minutes + 10 min. discussion)
2. Practice papers (20 minutes + 10 min. discussion)
3. Posters
4. Workshops (45 or 90 minutes)
Research papers (spoken): Research papers are presentations of research projects. Empirical paper abstracts should include: background, aims, method, results, and conclusions. Theoretical paper abstracts should include: background, aims, main contribution, implications.

Practice papers (spoken): Practice papers present project reports, “good practices”, offering creative pedagogical ideas or explaining innovative pedagogical approaches. Practice paper abstracts should include: theoretical background and content (characteristics of participants, time and place), aims of the project, the method or pedagogical approach, the activities, and outcomes.

Posters: Poster presentation titles and abstracts will appear in the Conference Programme. Presenters will be assigned designated times in the conference schedule. Poster abstracts should include: background, aims, method, results, and conclusions. Specific information about poster dimensions and other requirements will be communicated to authors of accepted posters.

Workshops: Information on workshops will appear in the Conference Programme and will be assigned designated times in the conference schedule. Workshop abstracts should include: background, aims, a short description of the activities, and implications for practice. Presenters may propose a 45 or 90 minute demonstration or workshop.
Important links:
Important dates:
  • November 1, 2017: Deadline for abstract submission
  • November 15, 2017: Early bird registration open
  • Starting from December 15, 2017: Notification of abstract acceptance
  • January 15, 2018: Early bird closed
  • January 16, 2018: Late payment registration open
  • March 14 - 17, 2018: EAS2018 Conference in Jelgava/Riga in Latvia

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