About LV-MTA

As agreed on EAS 2017 Conference in Salzburg, all European National Music Teacher Associations will translate a short paragraph on their website in English to develop further connections and partnerships across all Europe.

Latvian Music Teachers Association (LV-MTA) in Latvian uses its' short name LVIIMSA.
It has a web page muzikasskolotajiem.blogspot.com  and a Face Book account.
You can contact us in English - muzikasskolotajiem@gmail.com

Who we are:

The board consists of 5 people; the leader at the moment is Ms Ruta Kanteruka, who also is the NC of Latvia for the EAS.
The LV-MTA officially has 230 members who pay 10 EUR membership per year.

What we do:
  • We organize Latvian Music Olympiad every year - a competition for musically gifted students age 12 - 19;
  • We organize practical workshops and lectures to promote professional development for our teachers;
  • We communicate with the policy makers, institutions, teacher trainers, colleagues from other Baltic countries;
  • We are active members of EAS;
  • We work hard to promote the tradition of Latvian Song and Dance Festival.
And we organized the EAS Conference 2018 in Latvia! 

Take a look at some photos here!

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